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August 7, 2023

Distributed Data Reality – Building with Data at the Edge

The better solution acknowledges a distributed data reality that is building with Data at the Edge.

Distributed Data Reality – Building with Data at the Edge

Private Fund's gross assets have surpassed those of the commercial banking sector

Private Fund assets up from $9 Trillion in 2012 to $25T today. This is from Gensler in a recent speech, cited in the WSJ, this is the money quote..."investors need increased transparency, more informative and useful data.." Over the weekend I was invited to an event with the UK Pension fund admins to discuss the reporting on their private assets, that they are doubling down into. I have written about the new regulation in Australia, and India, now UK, and the US is barreling down this path.

The solution can be the world's largest referenceable data base, this is a super 1970, 1980, 1990's solution. The better solution acknowledges a distributed data reality that is building with Data at the Edge. If you buy this thesis then there are some follow on realities that we need to acknowledge.

Instead of intermediary data lakes, how do we get a data system browser, to find data (Inveniam means 'to find') in the repository where it sits at rest. Use distributed ledger as mechanism to prove state of data, and origin of data at a specific time.

This allows us to prove:

  1. State of Data at the Edge, from this
  2. State of Asset, and
  3. Proof of origin of Data or Smart Provenance, and
  4. Proof of Process of Data through multiple parties – each participant in the servicing of an asset can not be another layer of opaqueness – where we can have confidence not just in the data delivered, but the sources, and calculations.

This will then drive price discovery by a third party, accounting treatment, enhanced collateralization opportunities, based on the better, more frequent data, and then the end state of enhanced liquidity through secondary trading, and new and novel forms of digital primary distribution. We need to make the middle office digital, and not just use 10 finger automation off-shored to a lower cost jurisdiction.

Inveniam has been focused on Blockchain, Data, and Private Markets. Not everyone wants to buy blockchain, but they want to buy what it delivers, proof of origin, proof of process, that gets them better data, the ability to surveil data at the edge and build workflows around not only processes, but states of data, all with in private markets. We only work with those who want all three, or we get lost (as a small company) by chasing the winds of today, and miss the macro wave which is at this point undeniable. This macro wave is here in no time ...

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